Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The beginning

Here I go.. starting yet another blog.  This time I figured I'd focus on one of my hobbies that I really enjoy... PHOTOGRAPHY.  I love taking photographs, much to the annoyance of my children, yet they now expect it, and will usually pose on cue.  It's a given, that on any family outing, I will have my camera.  Many times the older girls will ask if I will be taking pictures, so that they may dress accordingly.  I think I have succeeded in molding the perfect subjects! 

So I figured why not create a new blog, just for photography!  A place to show some of my favorite shots, of my kids, as well as anything else that strikes my fancy!  I'd love any feedback from viewers, that would help make my pictures even better.  I'm still learning!!

I'd really like to branch out with my photos.  Trying to be more creative. .. more artsy, if you must.  I'm starting to play around with camera settings, and with various filters when editing, and trying to create more interesting photos.  The photo below was taken today, during a snow day.  I used a filter on it (don't remember which one), but I love the way it turned out.  Thinking this one will be a framer.  

First, the original photo (which I also love)

And then the edited version

I think the edited photo has a lot more character, due to the editing and the filter applied.  I'll try to keep note of which filters I use when I edit, so that I can share them.  

Until next time, thanks for reading, and keep snapping!


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