Saturday, January 17, 2015

Goodbye Moon

I'm not a morning person.  Never have been, and honestly cannot see myself ever becoming one.  With that being said, I am up early, but only because I have to.  I get up with my girls, to make sure they actually get up, make their lunch (hey, I like doing it) and see them off to school.  Most mornings I'm turning on the Keurig machine before I do anything else.  Just the other morning, I followed my morning routine.  When I opened the backdoor to let the dog out, I noticed the moon. A crescent moon, extremely bright, staring back at me.  It was beautiful.  I stopped and gazed at it for a bit, then I ran to get my camera.   I couldn't use my tripod, which I really needed as I have shaky hands.  I steadied myself on my daughters playhouse and started taking pictures.  I did end up with a nice shot, though taking pictures like this in the dark, is something I really need to research and learn how to do.

Sometimes, when you mess up a picture, it actually turns out rather cool.  Like in this shot below.  I obviously moved when taking it, but the 'oops' result I actually like.  You can see Venus in the photo, below the moon, and then there's the reflection of the moon (a friend told me it's called "earthshine",  Whatever it's name, it's cool.

Here's the picture that I didn't move on!  Beautiful!

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